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Long-term care insurance

Long-term care insurance is an insurance policy that you can get to support you when you get old or have a special illness and need nursing care (help with daily living, such as eating and bathing).

People over 40 years of age are insured by the “long-term care insurance” and pay premiums.
The amount to pay is determined based on the amount of your salary in the previous year.
People from 40 to 64 years of age pay the premiums for the long-term care insurance together with the medical insurance.
See Page for which medical insurance you are in.

Those who need assistance in their own lives must register with the city of Motomiya as needing nursing care (those who cannot live without it).
Once the registration is approved, the person can receive assistance.

For more information
Elderly Welfare Division, Social Health and Welfare Department on 2F of Epoca
